Welcome to HAWK!

Students from ERASMUS+ partner universities are invited to spend one or two semesters at HAWK. The same applies for students from non-European partner universities. After consultation, semesters outside of university partnerships (freemoving) can be facilitated as well. To inquire about existing partnerships between HAWK and your home university, please contact the International Office at your home university.

HAWK's International Office supports international exchange students in finding accommodation, provides orientation during the start of your studies, advises on general academic matters, university facilities, health insurance and personal matters.


Contact scholarships for international exchange students (non-ERASMUS)

For the winter semester 2024/25, the International Office is awarding 3 contact scholarships for 3 months each (application deadline: September 15, 2024). Please find more information on our page International Students.

Finding Courses (ECTS Module Catalogues)

Exchange students can choose their study programme from the regular study programmes of the partner faculties. As required by the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), the ECTS module catalogues of all HAWK courses can be found below. Based on this detailed information on the modules offered in the respective Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes exchange students will be able to create a learning agreement for their study period at HAWK.

Please note that while the module catalogues are translated into English, most of the courses are taught in German. Please find courses in English for exchange students in the section "English-taught courses".

Overview of Faculties and Degree Programmes

30 ECTS Courses in English

The HAWK faculties offer a variety of courses taught in English. These English-taught courses include a special 30 ECTS programme, designed to provide students with comprehensive and in-depth education in various disciplines. These courses are carefully tailored to meet the needs of international students and impart profound knowledge in the respective fields. The English-taught programme at HAWK is continuously updated and expanded to ensure it always meets the current scientific demands.


Faculty of Architecture, Engineering and Conservation (Hildesheim)

Faculty of Design (Hildesheim)

Faculty of Engineering and Health (Göttingen)

- to be announced -

Faculty of Management, Social Work and Construction (Holzminden)

Faculty of Resource Management (Göttingen)

- to be announced -

Faculty of Social Work and Health (Hildesheim)


International exchange students are also welcome to participate in an intensive Intercultural Training (3 ECTS). Furthermore, HAWK plus offers interdisciplinary courses (with vayring numbers of ECTS), which are subject to change every semester. Some of these courses may be in English, please inquire with the International Office about the current programme for the respective semester.

Further Information on studying at HAWK as an Exchange Student

"Say Hi" Buddy Programme, Excursions and Events

The HAWK offers a buddy programme for exchange students to facilitate their arrival and adjustment to the new environment. Buddies are German students who meet incoming students upon their arrival and who help them during the first days to find their way around town and to settle in. If you would like to participate in the buddy programme, you can indicate this in your application for exchange studies at HAWK. In case you have any questions concerning the programme, please contact Christopher Machold.

In addtion, the International Office organises city tours, as well as excursions for incoming students throughout the semester, such as canoe tours, hiking in the Harz Mountains, a visit to the opera etc. To bring international students together, the International Office also organises regular country-themed evenings. If you would like to co-organise a country evening to introduce your country to the other exchange students and buddies during your stay at HAWK, kindly let us know. 

Furthermore, the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is organising events for international exchange students in Hildesheim (ESN Hildesheim) and in Göttingen (ESN Göttingen).

Important Note

Subsequent to the exchange study semester(s), exchange students can not continue studying in a degree programme at HAWK (as a "degree student"). For this, the fulfillment of further requirements (e.g. certified language and study qualifications) would be necessary.