Main address
Renatastraße 11 (Room HIWE_E17)
31134 Hildesheim


Creative Coding, Visual Prototyping and Front-End Development


Michael Herzog is lecturer for Creative Coding, Visual Prototyping and Front-End Development at the Faculty of Design.

After many years of working as a freelancer and lecturer, it led me to the Faculty of Design at Pforzheim University to become active in the course of study "Intermedial Design". After graduating from high school, my strongly artistic self dominated at first. Unfortunately, my goal of studying industrial design at the Mathildenhöhe in Darmstadt never became reality and from that moment on my attention was directed towards my technical interest.

At the TU Darmstadt I started my studies in the department of electrical engineering. Over the years, computers became an increasingly important part of my interest. This led to a change to the University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt, where I was able to combine my acquired knowledge in electrical engineering with the subjects of computer science in a meaningful way. The faculty "Computer Engineering" exactly met my strengths, and I received many interesting and profound insights into the interaction of hardware and software. Even though this field of study was not art in the classical sense, I was always able to recognize an artistic act in the planning of technical projects. In my opinion, planning and implementation is an artistic activity that cannot be broken down to the purely technical aspect.

After my successful completion of my studies, a short phase as an employee followed before I went directly into self-employment. My strong ability for abstraction made the programming of computer systems my artistic playground. This is how my skills were incorporated into my first company. Located in the area of pre-press, it focused on a novel use of computers in DTP and image processing. With the commercialization of the Internet and the growing demand from developers in this new segment, my view of the future of prepress changed dramatically. I left the company and founded an agency for the development of software in the field of internet. For me, this step made it possible to combine visual and programming skills.

At the same time I started to give trainings and lectures at different institutions. I discovered in myself the passion to pass on knowledge to others. The contact with students enriches me until today. Teaching is fruitful for both sides, the flow of ideas and inspirations is refreshing and broadens one's own horizon.

In the remaining time in which the BA and MA courses in Design are an integral part of the Faculty of Design, I will give students as many interesting insights into new technologies as possible. There is nothing more exciting than to discover and experience the new. It is to be hoped that the faculty will not lose sight of this field of study. The future needs more and more graduates with the interdisciplinary skills acquired in IMD.

I am happy to be a part of this faculty and to contribute to teaching with the means at my disposal. Not to forget the harmonious cooperation between colleagues and students, which makes many projects possible.