The examination of the application documents can lead to the following results:

Direct entitlement to university admission
The application documents will be forwarded to the Admissions Office. After the application deadline, a selection according to grade average and, if applicable, quota will take place.

If selected, you will receive a study proposal via the HAWK application portal. Further enrolment documents will only be send after this proposal is accepted and the declaration of acceptance is printed, signed and returned to HAWK before the deadline.


Entitlement to university admission via the preparatory course (Studienkolleg)
The examination of the certificates of previous education has shown that the German higher education entrance qualification can be obtained in connection with proof of the passed Assessment Test to determine the higher education entrance qualification ("Feststellungsprüfung"). Therefore, the applicant is automatically registered for the entrance test (= test of German language skills and mathematics) at the preparatory course (Studienkolleg) in Hannover.

The Assessment Test usually takes place in February (for applications for the summer semester) or in August (for applications for the winter semester). Preparation for the Assessment Test takes two semesters. The Assessment Test can only be repeated once at the same Studienkolleg.

The teaching and examination subjects at the preparatory course (Studienkolleg) depend on the chosen course of study and the corresponding specialisation course. One of the examination subjects is English and a basic knowledge of this language is required.

A certified copy of the successfully passed Assessment Test must be submitted to the HAWK (by the application deadline).

Before you can register for the entrance examination at the preparatory course (Studienkolleg), you must show proof that you have successfully passed the German language diploma of the Kultusministerkonferenz (1st level) or the certificate B1 of the Goethe Institute. However, the preparatory course in Hannover points out that due to the many applicants who can present C1 and B2 certificates, those currently interested with a B1 certificate unfortunately have no chance of being invited to the second part of the admission process.


No entitlement to university admission
If the previous qualifications are not recognised as a higher education entrance qualification or higher education entrance qualification via a preparatory course (Studienkolleg), it is currently not possible for this applicant to study at HAWK.