REWARDHeat Serious Game is a web-based game which allows players to learn about the heating sector and how a transition to a more sustainable model of district heating might work. The players take up different roles, each with its own goals and gameplay. While playing they will gain a better understanding of the interdependencies of the different actors in the heating sector and which methods can be used to motivate change.

There are three different types of players in the game: the Consumers (district managers), the Producers (district heating companies), and the Government player. The goal of the Consumers is to manage the heat supply to their subdistricts in a fictional city  with minimal expenses while trying to lower their CO2 impact. Producers will mainly focus on generating as much profit as possible by signing contracts with the Consumer players. The Government needs to manage their expenses, decarbonize the heating sector in the city by means of incentives, subsidies and CO2 tax, and ensure high approval rating to stay in power.

The game is divided into 5 rounds, each lasting about 30 - 45 min and covering a period of 5 years. Starting from 100 % fossil fuel-based heating, the players shape the heating sector in the city for the next 25 years. After each game round, the results are reflected upon and discussed together.

REWARDHeat game workshop
The REWARDHeat Serious Game was developed as part of the European research project REWARDHeat and has since been used in national and international workshops. It is suitable for students as a part of university teaching or for companies and municipalities as a team building or networking event.
- 6 to 7 hours
Amount of players:
- One or two groups of 10 – 18 players each (Max. 36 players).
- A room (or two rooms) with flexible arrangement of tables, beamer, large screen, stable WiFi and electricity supply.
- Each player needs a laptop with access to one of these browsers: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Opera.

Should you be interested in organizing a game workshop feel free to contact us.