Light is a fundamental component of any building project in architecture, in urban spaces and at events.

Lighting designers are designers with a pronounced understanding of and experience in the interplay between light, space and people. Technical knowledge, creative intuition, environmental awareness and a confident approach to design and architecture are part of this profession.

It does not push itself into the foreground and yet it is fundamental to our perception of the world: light.
Prof. Dr. Paul Schmits

The study programme in Lighting Design is interdisciplinary in nature. In addition to skills in lighting technology and design theory, you will acquire important skills for your later professional life in joint design courses with interior architects, colour and product designers.

The teaching goes one step further as students are encouraged to take part in excursions, symposia and conferences. Meeting other lighting designers, employees from the industry / members of committees and boards, teachers and other light students from all over the world leads to a creative exchange. This results in the formation of valuable networks with like-minded people and potential employers.