Funding options for your doctorate
There are many ways for doctoral students to meet their subsistence costs:
The most common is to work at the university as a research assistant. Many doctoral students work part-time at the university. Fully-funded doctorates are the exception; it is more usual to gain work on a project (e.g. as a research assistant), ideally in an area relating to your doctorate. It is also possible to take up a (part-time) position outside the university, in research or industry, and thus fund your doctorate independently.
The benefits of this approach are that it enables you to build contacts in science and industry, and take advantage of synergies, potentially using university or company materials, laboratories and equipment. The disadvantage is that it leaves less time to focus on your doctorate.
Another funding option that allows doctoral candidates to devote more time to their research is a doctoral scholarship. You’ll find further information on this option lower down the page.
In addition to these two options, it is open to you to take out a doctoral loan or, of course, be funded by a partner and/or your family.
Grants for doctoral students
There is a wide range of grants for doctoral students: some are not subject-specific, many are subject-related, some offer monthly financial support, others provide funding for research trips or attendance of conferences.
In principle, all grant schemes require you to provide a synopsis of your proposed doctoral thesis along with a timescale and assessments from two doctoral supervisors or assessors, confirming that your research proposal is promising. Many schemes also require you to be enrolled in a doctoral programme at a university that is authorised to confer doctorates.
When applying, you should also bear in mind that grants do not include social insurance; some permit a small amount of part-time work, but others do not.
Most grants offer the option to extend your studies; this is particularly important if you need to take parental leave and you should enquire about such provision if you think you may need it.
The list of doctoral grants below is by no means exhaustive; it is merely intended to assist you and encourage you to apply for a scholarship.
Awards for research proposals and completed dissertations
There are a wide range of academic awards for doctoral students and completed doctoral theses. Although they do not provide a regular income, they are a (one-off) contribution to expenses. In addition, and first and foremost, they ensure that your work receives more attention, and they look good on your CV.
Some of the annual or at least biennial awards for individuals and small research groups are listed below. Before applying, please check whether there are any restrictions with regard to citizenship.
One way to ensure you receive regular information about calls for applications and grants is to register for the University of Kassel FIT (Research, International Affairs, Transfer) Newsletter, which brings together details of the latest research funding. Once you have registered, you can specify the subject area and types of funding you are interested in.
Academic awards for doctoral students
- Lebensmittelwissenschaft: Stockmeyer Wissenschaftspreis
- BMEL: Tierschutzforschungspreis
- German Pattern Recognition Award
- Reinigungstechnik: Alfred Kärcher-Forschungsvorhaben
- Technikjournalismus: Multimedia und Foto (alternierend mit Text)
- Echtzeitsysteme
- Biomedizinischen Magnetresonanz
- Fachbereichstag Informatik: Preise für Abschlussarbeiten und Dissertationen an HAW
- Seifen, Parfüm, Kosmetik und Waschmittel
- Präzisionsmessungen: Helmholtz-Preis
- Einstein Foundation Award for Promoting Quality in Research
- Applied Photonics Award
- Thermoelektrik: Nachwuchspreis
- Geothermie
- Statistical Science for the Society
- INSTAND-Dissertationspreis: Qualitätssicherung in der Laboratoriumsmedizin
- FSK-Innovationspreis Schaumkunststoffe und Polyurethane
- Endoprothesen, Biokeramik: Heinz-Mittelmeier-Forschungspreis
- DIA-Forschungspreis für die Immobilienwirtschaft
- Dissertationspreis in Feststoffverfahrenstechnik
- Dr.-Wilhelmy-VDI-Preis
- Medizinische Physik: Dissertationspreis
- Deutsch Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien: Preise für Dissertationen
- DPG: Dissertationspreise
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker: Diverse Ausschreibungen
- Preis für Biokonversion nachwachsender Rohstoffe
- Augsburger Wissenschaftspreis für interkulturelle Studien
- Wolfgang-Ritter-Preis: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Tyczka-Energiepreis
- Industrial Bioprocess Award für Dissertationen
- EHI-Stiftung und GS1 Germany: Wissenschaftspreis für Dissertationen
- Agrarinformatik: Nachwuchspreis, Innovationspreis
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung: Wissenschaftspreis
- Preis für Patientensicherheit in der Medizintechnik
- IT-Sicherheit: Dissertationspreis
- Gesellschaftt für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie: Diverse Preise
- Deutsche olympische Sportbund: Wissenschaftspreis
- Rheologie-Preis für Dissertationen
- Roman Herzog Forschungspreis Soziale Marktwirtschaft
- Deutscher Studienpreis der Körberstiftung
- Bernd Rendel-Preis für Geowissenschaften
- FNA-Forschungspreis für Forschungsarbeiten im Bereich der Alterssicherungsforschung
- Neurorehabilitation: Forschungspreis
- Bertha-Benz-Preis für Dissertation einer Ingenieurin
- Ernährungslage in Entwicklungsländern: Hermann Eiselen-Wissenschaftspreis
- Deutscher IT-Sicherheitspreis
- KlarText – Preis für Wissenschaftskommunikation
- Gesellschaft für Informatik: Dissertationspreis
- Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik: UMSICHT-Preis